Wednesday, February 13, 2008


It's always good to pause and think about what you are doing along the way. It's one of those learning strategies that you hear about in school. Now that I have perused your blogs for a few days I have smart things to say.

First, always ensure that your spelling and punctuation are top notch. Attention to detail lends to your credibility. Help each other.
Second, I love all of the extras that many of you are adding to your blogs. You are definitely schooling me.
Third, Your postings are smart and diverse. I am very pleased. Keep it up.

Fourth, for those of you who are new and perhaps a bit nervous, don't worry, you're doing a great job!

As I have mentioned, I can't read every blog post and every comment every day. That said, I will be featuring certain blogs and posts each day for various reasons. If you want to draw my attention to a posting, please use the new "shoutbox" that I have added to my page. Be sure to leave your name. By the way, I learned about "shoutbox" from Trever. Thank you.

Learn from each other. Argue. Challenge. Question.

(links on side until I figure out how to get them in this post. Grrr...)

Alex rages against the machine.

Jesse calls the straightedgers to the mat.

Kate brings philanthropy to her space.

Trever is neat as a pin.

Brian rallies for Ramos.


samyer2 said...

I like the happy teacher stick figure. You don't see those kind of teachers anymore. All the teachers nowadays are just bitter because they're not being paid enough.

ME said...

i was supprised that jesse said that stuff well......not rly...