Thursday, February 21, 2008

You are Exciting!

My public speaking professor in college told us never to use the word "interesting" because it doesn't really saying anything. As a result, I like to use the word "exciting" because it embodies a sense of energy and vigor.

Did you know that Masher's dream job is to be the president? Did you know that Colin Rambo's dream job is to be a sailing instructor? Did you know that Robin Hood is in Las Vegas at a National Archery Competition? Did you know that Pink Taco went swimming in a Sea of Estrogen this week? Did you know that Mr. Gorbachev wants to open a business in the Netherlands? Did you know that Liza You Love It is enamored with a guy named Harry? Did you know that Call of Duty can create amazing pencil drawings? She drew the picture I have in this post. It's a picture of my friend who was killed in Iraq.

Posting hint if you're feeling uncreative. I found a blog called "Found in Pockets." The whole thing is about the stuff that people find in their pockets.


lizayouloveit said...

i'm enamored with who? haha

samyer2 said...

haha people find things in thier pockets?? I only find lint

Call_Of_Duty said...

ah that person can draw =P but the things one finds in their pockets, wow specially with caro pants on, can hold everything! why carry a backpack when you have pockets like that ^_^