Saturday, February 9, 2008

What is Mrs. Krieger reading?

In the age of the digital, many young folk stay away from books. This is an unfortunate trend. Books hold knowledge. Books hold meaning. Books hold the answers to the queestions that humans have asked for hundreds of years.

There are different flavors of books. Fiction. Non fiction. Novels. Whatnot. I am currently reading Lawrence Wright's *The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11.* It was in the media/journalism section of Barnes and Noble. I like reading books penned by journalists because their writing styles are so smoooooth.

This book is helping to answer some of the fundamental questions that I have about what in the H-E-double hockeysticks is going on in the world right now. For instance, why are Islamic fundamentalist so ticked at America? How did they get that way? What is their goal? And what do I do if one of them shows up at my door?

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