Thursday, February 7, 2008

Prezident Polk

Who doesn't love Jamez K. Polk? Journey with me through the musings of a J-Pizzle fan. Learn about the infamous Martha Lewis, guys with things in their ears, and what it means to be the best president ever.


ilove64crayons said...

i think that this was one of the better speeches because it was funny...omg it was funny....but it was also insiteful....oh brian what are we gonna do with you....your super funny...GREAT SPEECH!

lizayouloveit said...

yea i pretty much love this speech, and you too brian (if you so happen to read this) =]

Derick said...

If Tim Sagasti was president, only he would be worthy of James K. Polk Status.

Travis said...

I def agree with derick, cause lets face it Tim is the pickle/pinnacle of the human race, or so he thinks. Anyways great speech by shaver... especially for an impromptu.

j-nuh14 said...

I would just like to say that i got this speak first hand and it was so fricken funny. I serisouly laughed the whole time. Brian is one funny guy and his whole speech was perfect, i loved it. It was a very well speech for right on the spot. props to Benjerman aka Brian!

adampav said...

i think this is one of the funniest speeches i've heard...its up there with stephans speeches...both really funny

Brittney's on hiatus said...

Best speech ever.. hands down!!