Wednesday, March 12, 2008

When the Mighty Fall

Elliot Spitzer is definitely not my hero, but I'm still sad about recent events. Of course I'm sad for his wife and children as well as for the citizens of New York, but I'm also sad for me. I'm sad because I'm tired of people in positions of trust not doing the right thing. Where have all the good guys gone?


missbrightside said...

I understand why you're coming from, but this is why teachers like you are SO important. You teach people not only communications, but to do things for the right reasons, and to carry yourself professionally. As much as I have fun in your class, I feel like there's more expected of me, and therefore I always want to do one step better than I think I'm capable of. You're training leaders, not followers, Mrs.Krieger. Everyone knows leaders change the world.


stellarkindd said...
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