I watched an episode of
Power Rangers recently. I didn't like it. I long for the old days with Jason, Kimberly, Zach, Trini, Billy and evil Tommy. Pudgy the Pig and Guitardo were the best villains. The original episodes have a campy quality that reminds me of old Godzilla movies. I love the blatant symbolism too. A giant pig consuming things; Green representing evil and anger; A mystical disembodied entity (Zordon) guiding children. Good stuff.
I love the old Power Rangers, I always wanted to be the Pink one... hahaha
My dad and I would never miss an episode! I loveddddddddd the Power Rangers and like every other girl I had the pink power ranger costume. Goldar was my ultimate favorite. I used to have a punching bag of him but it got a hole and the sand leaked out so it was thrown away. =(
I totally agree! I loved the power rangers! My favorite, of course, was the pink ranger. There were a lot of good shows back in the day, and now, there aren't that many good TV shows for kids. It's a bummer.
Zordon Pwns. End of Story.
i always thought kimberly (the pink one) was hot
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