Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Media and Reality

What do you think about this picture?


Swift said...

he looks like an alien that could be in men in black lol...

Ellis Island said...

Well, she looks upset and embarrassed. He, on the other hand, looks like he knows he did something wrong. To me, his face is reading that he knows he did it and he doesn't have anything else to say about it.

lizayouloveit said...

I feel so bad for his wife, that poor woman she looks awful in this picture and you can totally see her emotions written across her face. He on the other hand looks like a complete idiot. I agree with the New York Post, they had it right with the "HO NO"

rugs1044 said...

hahahahahahhahaha its hilarious.

I saw an article about this on the front page of a London newspaper, hes an international star!

Bgates said...

My mom says that Spitzer looks like Squiqward from Spongebob Squarepants. I find that kind of funny and well he should no longer have his job.

Derick said...

He looks like hes trying to make an elephant noise

samyer2 said...

I think Spitzer had a War head or something and his wife is like "oh man. So immature!"

I really do not like him now just for doing the whole prostitute thingy. Makes me feel all dirty inside. and another thing, I feel awful about the wife. I mean if your husband/ wife was cheating on you, how would you feel? I'd feel like "Wow. i thought that I was enough but i guess not." I wouldda knocked his asss out already!

samyer2 said...

And I just noticed ... He looks like Bush Jr. when he's happy! AKA he looks like a monkey and he KNOWS where his banana is.

Colin Rambo! said...

I think he's asking himself, "hmm, I wonder what Hillary's doing tonight?"

Kris10 said...

his ears. enough said. hahaha

Kathleen said...

im acctualy confused as to why his wives still by his side. Isn't she entitled to do what any wife with dignity has? Maybe shes trying to be 'strong' for her family, or maybe its a publicity stunt so the public is fooled by what she is going through

Raoul Duke said...

I think that it is sending a wrong message to girls that you have to stand right there by someone who has lied and cheated on you no matter what. If it was me and I had any respect left I would have kicked him right there on national TV. I feel sorry for her and her 3 children.

ilove64crayons said...

I think he looks like a monkey. As for her she looks like the world came crashing down on her.

Sarah said...

he has really big ears, no joke!!